Opening of the Frankfurt Book FairSlavoj Žižek

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Opening of the Frankfurt Book FairSlavoj Žižek causes turmoil with his opening speech on Israel and Palestine.

On Wednesday morning, the Frankfurt Book Fair welcomes visitors for exchanges. However, it has deliberately produced its most memorable mixture: With his speech on the Middle East conflict, Slovenian rationalist Slavoj Iek shocked the audience.

“Investigation boycott” on Israel and Palestine, a thinker asks at the beginning of the discussion.

At the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Slavoj Iek, a Slovenian philosopher, stirred a commotion with his speech. Iek stated that while he condemned Hamas’ exploitation of terror to justify its attacks against the Israeli people, he also emphasized the need to understand the Palestinian perspective and experience.

A few guests departed the lobby during the discussion. Uwe Becker, a Hessian official who was anti-Semitic, opposed Iek both directly and earlier in front of an audience.

Becker accused Iek of downplaying Hamas’ wrongdoings, and made many trips out of the lobby, but eventually returned with local Frankfurt politicians. Juergen Boos, the director of the book fair, also made an effort to placate Becker.

Hessian anti-Semitism chief Uwe Becker criticizes opening speaker Lek and makes a relativization allegation

Iek said, “He’s not putting things into perspective at all. The attacks by those who spread terror are a terrible injustice, and Israel has every right to defend itself. However, in order to fully understand what is occurring there, you must also look at the source of the Palestinian people. Without a resolution to the Palestinian question, there can be no peace in the Middle East.

In fact, the rationalist had already examined a “prohibition on investigation” on this topic before the interruption. Iek criticized the fact that all of his previous speakers had brought up Israel but no one had mentioned the Palestinians. He finds it “shocking” that the Palestinian author Adania Shibli was not given due attention for her novel.

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Furthermore, I think it’s important that we leave it here. Interfering with a conversation should be possible. Nevertheless, he expressed joy that we had heard the speech as completely as possible, whether or not we agreed with it. Whether or whether we even condemn them. We ought to focus on one another.

Then, Becker told the German Press Organization, “Yet not in a situation and equity with foul play and with monstrous viciousness and psychological warfare – that is impractical.” One may talk about everything, even the rights and suffering of the Palestinians. “Free discourse also has a breaking point where it relativizes, minimizes, and compares things in a context where they can’t be compared,” the counter-Semitism leader continued.

Iek said before the inaugural crowd: It should be feasible for the host figures to interfere with him.

Following the uproar around Iek’s speech, the exchange fair will open its doors to visitors on Wednesday at nine o’clock. It is the 75th post-war exchange fair. It’s typical to see more than 4,200 exhibitors from 95 countries. The debate and the psychological attack by Hamas will probably continue to be topics during the trade show. The organizers said that Malaysia and Indonesia had stopped supporting them.

A spokesman for the book fair stated, “This is a response to our perseverance with Israel. But it is also undeniable that the focus of the fair is also on the Palestinians who lived under Hamas.

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