Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh, biography, notable achievements, degrees and awards, contribution, and more.

Honorable Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Sheik Hasina was confirmed as Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for the fourth time on January 7, 2019, after her party Awami Association drove Terrific Collusion accomplished an outright triumph in the eleventh Public Parliament Decisions hung on December 30, 2018. Before this, Sheik Hasina filled as Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh without precedent for the time of 1996-2001, the second time in the time of 2009-2013, and the third time in the time of 2014-2018. Sheik Hasina filled in as the Head of the Resistance in the Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Public Parliaments. Khaleda Zia’s administration had to leave on February 30, 1996, following 15 days despite mass disturbance driven by Sheik Hasina after the political decision without citizens on February 15, 1996. Sheik Hasina has forever been solid in managing fundamentalism, aggressiveness, and psychological oppression. Assuming control over the organization in 2009, her administration ordered regulation to lay out the Worldwide Criminal Council to attempt violations against humankind perpetrated in 1971. Courts set up under this Act have begun preliminary of war hoodlums and the decisions are being executed.


Sheik Hasina is the oldest among the 5 offspring of Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman and Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib. She was brought into the world on 28 September 1947 in Tungipara of Gopalganj area. Sheik Hasina moved on from Dhaka College in 1973. She challenged the political decision as a competitor of the Bangladesh Chhatra Association and was the VP of Government Middle of the Road Young Ladies Undergrad Chamber. She was the overall secretary of this school branch Chhatra Association and the following year was its leader. Sheik Hasina was an individual from Dhaka College Chhatra Association and General Secretary of Rokeya Lobby part of the Chhatra Association. Sheik Hasina effectively partook in all mass developments since her understudy days. On August 15, 1975, the Father of the Country Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman was ruthlessly killed alongside the greater part of her relatives. Sheik Hasina and her more youthful sister Sheik Rehana made due as they were remaining in West Germany around then. Later She remained in India for a considerable length of time under political shelter.

In 1980, she began hostile to tyranny development in Britain. In 1981, without even a trace of Sheik Hasina, She was collectively chosen as the leader of the Bangladesh Awami Association. She at long last got back to the nation on May 17, 1981, following six years of exile. In the wake of getting back to the country in 1981 and participating in the battle to reestablish a vote-based system, she went under the rage of the decision bunch. She was over and over again detained. Somewhere around 19 furnished assaults were made to kill her. On February 15, 1983, the tactical government captured her and held her detained at home for 15 days. She was detained at home two times in February and November 1984. She was captured on Walk 2, 1985, and held detained at home for around 90 days. She was detained at home for 15 days from October 15, 1986. She was captured on November 11, 1987, and held detained at home for a month. On February 27, 1989, Sheik Hasina was captured and set detained at home. Sheik Hasina was interned in Bangabandhu Bhavan on 27 November 1990. On July 16, 2007, the guardian government upheld by the military captured her and sent her to the sub-prison in the Sangsad Bhavan premises. She was delivered on June 11, 2008, after very nearly 1 year. Remarkable assaults pointed toward killing Sheik Hasina incorporate the police terminating her on November 10, 1987, during the attack on the Secretariat. Jubo Association pioneers Noor Hossain, Babul, and Fattah were killed. An endeavor was made to lift his vehicle with a crane before the Public Press Club.

On January 24, 1988, Ershad government police powers were lathi-charged and terminated at Sheik Hasina before the Chittagong court building. Despite the fact that Sheik Hasina was safe in this occurrence, 30 Awami Association pioneers and activists were martyred. She was shot two times while giving a discourse at Laldighi Maidan. Coming back after the public gathering, her vehicle was again taken shot at. After the development of the BNP government in 1991, there were rehashed assaults to kill Sheik Hasina. On September 11, 1991, during the by-appointment of the Public Gathering, She was shot at. In 1994, Ishwardi rail line station was designated by nonstop terminating at her room. In 2000, two bombs weighing 76 kg and 84 kg were planted at the helipad in Kotalipara and at her assembly. Sheik Hasina made due as the bombs were identified before her appearance.

The deadliest assault happened during the BNP government on 21 August 2004. More than twelve Argus projectiles were flung at her soon after She wrapped up tending to a public gathering on Bangabandhu Road that day. Sheik Hasina endured the awful assault, however, 22 pioneers and activists of her party, including Ivy Rahman, were killed and in excess of 500 individuals were harmed. Sheik Hasina herself additionally got an ear injury. Overlooking different afflictions including many obstructions and dangers of death, Sheik Hasina kept on battling for the essential privileges of the average folks and the rice vote. Under her authority, individuals of Bangladesh have accomplished vote vote-based system and the right to speak freely of discourse. Bangladesh has a situation with non-industrial nations from the least created. During the system of Sheik Hasina, the nation accomplished remarkable advancement in the financial area. The outstanding accomplishments of the Sheik Hasina government during the 1996-2001 period were: the 30-year Ganga Stream Water Arrangement with India, the Chittagong Slope Lots Ceasefire, and the development of the Bangabandhu Scaffold over the Yamuna Stream, and accomplishing independence in food creation.

Notable achievements

During the system of Sheik Hasina, the nation accomplished extraordinary advancement in the financial area. The outstanding accomplishments of the Sheik Hasina government during the 1996-2001 period were: the 30-year Ganga Stream Water Settlement with India, the Chittagong Slope Parcels Ceasefire, the development of the Bangabandhu Extension over the Yamuna Stream, and accomplishing independence in food creation. Furthermore, she presented different government assistance programs for ranchers and federal retirement aid programs for landless, dejected individuals. Outstanding among these are: Bothered Ladies and Widows Recompense, Inability Stipend, Political Dissidents Remittance, Shanti Niwas for the Matured, Asyran Plan for the Destitute, and the One House One Ranch Plan.

Among the outstanding accomplishments of the Sheik Hasina government during the period 2009-2013 are expanding the power age ability to 13,260 MW, accomplishing a typical development pace of north of 6%, elevating 50 million individuals to the working class, resolving oceanic regional debates with India and Myanmar, setting up computerized focuses in every association, optional level. Circulation of free course readings to all understudies, opening of horticultural cards and ledgers for ranchers at Tk 10, giving credits to ranchers without guarantee, setting up around 16,500 local area facilities and association wellbeing focuses the nation over for clinical benefits, neediness rate from 38.4 in 2006 to 2013-14. Decrease to 24.3 percent per annum, reception of Sheik Hasina’s tranquility model by the UN, and so forth. Prominent accomplishments during the 2014-2018 period include: the advancement of Bangladesh to center pay status, endorsement of the Land Limit Understanding by the Parliament of India, and sanction by the two nations, (bringing about a finish to the 68-year line question between the two nations), expansion in per capita pay to US$ 1,602, Decrease in destitution rate to 22.4 percent, unfamiliar trade saves more than 32 billion bucks, execution of Padma Extension, send off of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 in space and so forth.

Among the remarkable accomplishments such a long way in the fourth term are the consideration of Bangladesh from least created country to an emerging nation, the self-funded fruition of the development of Padma Scaffold, and the preliminary attempt at metro rail in Dhaka. The streets interfacing a few locale urban communities with the capital Dhaka have been moved up to four paths. Development of a thermal energy station in Rooppur, development of passage under Karnaphuli stream in Chittagong, and execution of different uber projects including the Matarbari multi-reason project is advancing quickly. 100 Extraordinary Monetary Zones are being worked the nation over. Development of ICT Parks is in progress in all divisions. By and by the per capita pay has expanded to 2824 USD.

Various degrees and awards

A few colleges and organizations all over the planet granted Sheik Hasina different degrees and grants for her remarkable commitment to harmony, standardization of a vote-based system, and financial turn of events. Boston College in the USA, College of Bridgeport and Barry College, Waseda College in Japan, Abertay College in Scotland, Visvabharati College and Tripura College in India, Public College in Australia, Catholic College in Brussels, Individuals’ Kinship College in Russia and State College of Petersburg, College of Dhaka and Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman The College of Horticulture granted her a privileged doctorate certification. Likewise, Dauphi College in France granted her a certificate.

Sheik Hasina has been regarded by different associations all over the planet for her exceptional commitment to friendly exercises, harmony, and soundness. Sheik Hasina was granted the ‘Houphouet-Boigny’ Harmony Prize in 1998 for her remarkable commitment to finishing the long 25-year nationwide conflict in Chittagong Slope Plots. The lofty ‘Pearl S. Buck ’99’ grant was presented to State leader Sheik Hasina by Randolph Macon Ladies’ School of the US on April 9, 2000, for her boldness and vision in the field of political, monetary, and basic liberties. The Brought Together Nations World Food Program allowed Sheik Hasina the regarded ‘CERES’ enhancement in affirmation of her obligation to the advancement against hunger. All India Concordance Connection conceded Sheik Hasina. You may visit at :


 Development of Padma Extension and preliminary attempt of metro rail in Dhaka. The streets interfacing a few locale urban communities with the capital Dhaka have been moved up to four paths. Development of a thermal energy station in Rooppur, development of passage under Karnaphuli stream in Chittagong, and execution of different uber projects including the Matarbari multi-reason project is advancing quickly. 100 Exceptional Monetary Zones are being worked the nation over. Development of ICT Parks is in progress in all divisions. By and by the per capita pay has expanded to 2824 USD. A few colleges and organizations all over the planet granted Sheik Hasina different degrees and grants for her exceptional commitment to harmony, standardization of a vote-based system, and financial turn of events.

Boston College in the USA, College of Bridgeport and Barry College, Waseda College in Japan, Abertay College in Scotland, Visvabharati College and Tripura College in India, Public College in Australia, Catholic College in Brussels, Individuals’ Companionship College in Russia and State College of Petersburg, College of Dhaka and Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman The College of Horticulture granted him a privileged doctorate certificate. Moreover, Dauphi College in France granted Her recognition. Sheik Hasina has been regarded by different associations all over the planet for her extraordinary commitment to friendly exercises, harmony, and security. Sheik Hasina was granted the ‘Houphouet-Boigny’ Harmony Prize in 1998 for her remarkable commitment to finishing the long 25-year nationwide conflict in Chittagong Slope Plots. The renowned ‘Pearl S. Buck ”99′ grant was given to Head of the State Sheik Hasina by Randolph Macon Ladies’ School of the US on April 9, 2000, for her boldness and vision in the field of political, monetary, and common liberties. The Unified Countries World Food Program granted Sheik Hasina the lofty ‘CERES’ award in acknowledgment of her commitment to the development against hunger.

All India Harmony Affiliation granted Sheik Hasina with ‘Mother Teresa’ award in 1998. In 1998, he was granted the Paul Harris Association by the Global Revolving Establishment. The West Bengal All India Congress granted him the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Commemoration Award in 1997. He was granted the ‘Decoration of Qualification’ by the Worldwide Lions Club in 1996-1997 and the ‘Head of State’ award in 1996-1997.

 In 2009, the Indira Gandhi Remembrance Trust of India granted Sheik Hasina the Indira Gandhi Grant for her extraordinary commitment to harmony and a majority rules system. In addition, he was granted the Worldwide Variety Grant of England and twice the South Honor. In 2014 UNESCO granted her the ‘Harmony Tree’ and in 2015 the Ladies in Parliaments Worldwide Discussion Provincial Administration Grant for Ladies’ Strengthening and the Worldwide South Advancement Exhibition 2014 Visionary Honor.

 In 2015, Cornell College of America granted him an honorable declaration for his proceeded with help to the improvement of Bangladesh’s farming, accomplishing manageability in food creation, and adding to the advancement of science and innovation. The Unified Countries Climate Program granted Sheik Hasina its most noteworthy honor ‘Boss of the Earth-2015′ in the Authority classification for her remarkable commitment to climate and supportable advancement at the national and global level. Additionally, the Global Telecom Association (ITU) introduced ICTs in the Manageable Improvement Grant 2015 to Sheik Hasina for executing feasible advanced programs. She was respected with the Worldwide Ladies’ Initiative Honor on 27 April 2018 for her exceptional commitment to ladies’ schooling and business. The Establishment of South Asian Ladies granted her the Lifetime Commitment for Ladies Strengthening Grant in 2019. She was granted the ‘SDG Progress’ honor in 2021 by ACDSN. BBC perceived Sheik Hasina as “The voice of the Helpless” during the Cop-26 meeting in November 2021. She keeps on assuming areas of strength for a part in the UN and the Province to standard poor and minimized populaces into the eventual fate of District and SDG organizations.

Notable books

 Sheik Hasina is the writer of a few books. Striking among them are: “Sheik Mujib is my dad”, For what reason are they thumping?, Birth of autocracy in Bangladesh”, Neediness lightening, A few considerations”, “My fantasy, my battle”, We are here to represent individuals. , “Militarism versus A vote-based system”, “Highly contrasting”, “Across the Green Field”, Mujib Bangla, Bangla Mujib, Miles to Go, The Journey for Vision-2021 (two volumes), and so on.


We will not allow any group to use our soil to launch a terror attack against any other country. Bangladesh is no longer an exporter of terrorism, nor is it a silk route for arms smuggling as it once was – Sheikh Hasina.

With awareness and a social movement against extremism, we can prevent our children from becoming terrorists- Sheikh Hasina.

I believe in peace. Only peaceful co-existence can ensure peace- Sheikh Hasina.


Sheik Hasina is the Leader of “Father of Country Sheik Mujibur Rahman Dedication Trust”. She has faith in majority rules government, secularism, generally speaking, development and progress, and accomplishing monetary freedom of individuals through destitution lightening is one of the objectives of her life. She has unique interests in innovation, cooking, music, and reading books. Her better half is a universally prestigious atomic researcher. M Wazed Mia died on May 9, 2009. Sheik Hasina’s oldest child Sajib Ahmed Wazed is a data innovation master. Her main little girl Saima Hussain Wazed is a clinician and works for the government assistance of medically introverted kids. The quantity of grandkids of Sheik Hasina is 7 individuals. She is still a powerful prime minister of Bangladesh. She is known as a successful prime minister in the world’

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